Frequently Asked Questions
What happens in the playroom?
The truth is anything! The rules are general-Me safe, You Safe, Everything Safe. within these boundaries children use the equipment on offer to work through how they are feeling or issues that they have had. For example they may choose to play games, use the creative resources, role play and more.
Do you ask questions during the session?
I reflect on what is happening e.g. 'The dragon is really angry with the person today' or 'I wonder what has made the dragon angry?' Reflection enables the children to feel acknowledged and feel heard by someone.
If you don't ask questions, what do you do?
We don't need to talk. Play is a child's natural way of communication. As a Play Therapist, my job is to reflect feelings. Feelings and concerns can be expressed through play, without words. As the sessions progress I will be able to see feelings emerging. During this period, the child will be working on strategies to deal with these feeling.
Can children take the things they make home?
Every child is given a 'Special Box' to keep their creations 'safe'. The box is kept 'safe' by the Play Therapist. The whole intervention cycle is a journey or a process for the child. It's important for the child to have the opportunity to look back at their creations if they want to. It's also important that the child can trust the Play Therapist to keep their creations safe. At the end of their therapeutic journey, the child will be offered the chance to review the contents of their box and take home or leave behind any items they choose.
What should I say to my child before and after their Play Therapy sessions? "Go have fun! / Did you have a good time?" (Parent/carer asking child.)
Like all therapy, sometimes sessions are difficult. The child may be in the middle of a really tricky process and is not happy or having fun. It's a natural response to ask your child how they got on but I advise parents not to ask directly after children's sessions. Encouraging your child to "have fun!" or "enjoy themselves!" can cause children to feel pressurised. They may want to be grumpy or angry and this is ok. When under pressure, the therapy can become even more challenging. Just acknowledge your child and allow them to process whatever is going on in their own time.
How many sessions will my child need?
Initially I ask for an agreed 16 sessions with a review around half way. Depending on the child they may require more but this is done through discussions with the parent.
How long do sessions last?
Sessions are usually for 40 minutes, once a week, It is recommended that the same time and day of the week for every meeting is sustained in order to support the child's smooth transition into therapy.
What is the cost per session?
Each Play Therapy session costs £60. Parent meetings will cost £60.
What should I tell my child?
Parents can explain to the child that they are going to see a Play Therapist who can help them understand difficult feelings and emotions. The sessions will help them feel less muddled, cross or scared.