Sandtray making!!! Before anyone say so I know it is not the "true" sandtray from Dora Kalff as she suggests a sandtray being 19.5 inches x 28.5 inches x 2.75 inches and the trays need to be painted blue on the bottom and sides.
Now I know how wonderful it would be to have the space for two trays and at the sizes she suggests however i'm a "mobile" Play Therapist so transporting a large sandtray isn't possible. I have made a couple of sand trays and on my post about being a mobile therapist a friend of mine Little Lotus Play Therapy asked if I could make one for her.
Here is the outcome. The dimensions are 40cm x 60cm x 6cm I used Plasti-kote Fast Dry Enamel spray paint on the base I glued and screwed the sides together.
Total cost per sandtray £25
Hope you like it and if you want one let me know. I can make it any size you want I am thinking of selling some pre-made ones on my site.
Thank you Ian